The song is in your inbox!



Hey there, Neev here; welcome to my world 😊

Thanks SO MUCH for being here!  Allow Pete (from my label) and I to quickly welcome you personally (with the video below).


Pete (from my label) has sent the song to your inbox.

If you like what you hear, I’ve included a download of the song and a little free gift for you. To welcome you and say, thanks for listening.

To ‘Listen Now’, go to your email and follow the link (might seem convoluted, but I’m in the EU and it’s a GDPR - privacy - thing).


Often it goes in there - even though you signed up for it 🤦‍♀️

Then move me into your primary inbox/add the email address to your contacts; if you like, I have some other goodies to share with you and I’d hate for you to miss out!

If you have Gmail, check your promotions tab; to move me to 'primary', on mobile hit the three dots in my email's top right; on desktop move us into your primary inbox and drag the email into 'primary' as shown below 👇

Happy listening,

Neev x